Regular roller shutter door maintenance is essential. Like all machinery, roller shutter doors can be prone to failure over time. In addition to this, like all machinery, this failure can be potentially dangerous. If you’re using your roller shutter door regularly, you need to make sure you’re having your roller shutter door inspected for any maintenance that might need doing. If you don’t, this could cause harm to you or your employees, and the damage will only progress over time. Besides the safety hazards, unmaintained roller shutter doors will infringe on the effectiveness of your security measures. This infringement could result in theft or damage to your property.
Roller shutter door maintenance doesn’t have to be difficult. There are experts on hand 24/7 to service your roller shutter doors. These are specially trained mechanics, electricians, and engineers who can identify problems and potential hazards with your doors. This efficiency means roller shutter door maintenance can happen immediately, so your business won’t lose out.
In this post we outline why you need to make industrial roller shutter door maintenance a top priority, and how you can take small actions to maintain your doors yourself.

Regular roller shutter door maintenance is essential. Like all machinery, roller shutter doors can be prone to failure over time. In addition to this, like all machinery, this failure can be potentially dangerous. If you’re using your roller shutter door regularly, you need to make sure you’re having your roller shutter door inspected for any maintenance that might need doing. If you don’t, this could cause harm to you or your employees, and the damage will only progress over time. Besides the safety hazards, unmaintained roller shutter doors will infringe on the effectiveness of your security measures. This infringement could result in theft or damage to your property.
Roller shutter door maintenance doesn’t have to be difficult. There are experts on hand 24/7 to service your roller shutter doors. These are specially trained mechanics, electricians, and engineers who can identify problems and potential hazards with your doors. This efficiency means roller shutter door maintenance can happen immediately, so your business won’t lose out.
In this post we outline why you need to make industrial roller shutter door maintenance a top priority, and how you can take small actions to maintain your doors yourself.
Part of the maintenance you can do to your security roller shutter doors yourself is oiling. Like all machinery, roller shutter doors require regular oiling to keep them running smoothly. Neglecting to oil your doors will result in them becoming stiff and hard to maneuver. Eventually, this will result in more problems for your roller doors which could put them out of action for a longer period.
Similar to oiling, cleaning your doors is a small but effective step you can take to look after your doors. Dirt and dust will build up over time and can affect the functionality of your doors. Cleaning and oiling are modes of roller shutter door maintenance that you can do yourself. By taking these simple steps, you are increasing the longevity of your doors and preventing more serious problems down the line.
Every month you should have a trained professional come and check the balance of your roller shutter doors. Balance is essential to the safety of your electric roller shutter doors. The balance of your doors links to their response rate. If the balance isn’t correct, you won’t be able to control and stop your doors as effectively– this can pose serious health and safety concerns.
Scheduled Maintenance
During these monthly checks, the inspector will also look for any loose screws or missing bolts on your doors. Frequently used doors often have things come loose, and these must get replaced as soon as possible to avoid accidents or prolonged issues.
According to the Health and Safety and Welfare Regulations of 1992, a powered door needs to be “subject to a suitable system of maintenance” and “maintained in an efficient state”. This is due to the hazardous nature of electric roller shutter doors.
From a business perspective, you want to make sure your doors are checked regularly for security and safety measures. Inefficient roller shutter doors will increase the likelihood of theft and potentially put your staff at risk. Your security roller shutter doors need to regularly inspected to ensure they’re working as effectively as possible to protect and benefit your business. By not doing this, you could lose income and slow business growth down significantly.
There are several legal demands that state you need to ensure industrial roller shutter door maintenance is a frequent occurrence. Alongside the 1992 Safety and Welfare Regulations, the 1998 PUWER also demands regular machinery inspections. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) is a regulation that covers work equipment and machinery used every day in workplaces. The PUWER states that the owner of a premise that has industrial roller shutter doors is responsible for their regular inspection. This means if you have roller shutter doors on your property, you are responsible for regular door maintenance and you must keep a logbook of this maintenance. Whilst only a trained roller door specialist should carry out repairs, the owner of the doors must record the date of inspection, any faults and repairs, and obtain a signature from the individual who did the repairs.
Regular roller shutter door maintenance isn’t just a priority for your business, it’s a legal demand. If you have electric roller shutter doors on your property, you need to ensure they’re regularly inspected and maintained by a professional. By not doing so, you’re putting your business and your staff at risk. Neglecting your door maintenance can result in serious hazards and potential income loss. Keeping track of your door maintenance can help you easily avoid these potential problems. By hiring trained professional roller door experts like Crucial Engineering to look over your doors monthly, and cleaning and oiling your doors regularly, you’re putting the safety or your staff and the success of your business first.
Reference video: Sawickipedia